استاندارد ASHRAE

15174 بازدید

سازمان گرمایش و سرمایش و تهویه مطبوع آمریکا که اصطلاحا به آن اشری (ASHRAE) دارای چهار هندبوک استاندارد بین المللی می باشد:

 مبانی (Fundamentals)

سرمایش (Refrigeration)

تجهیزات و سیستم های تهویه (HVAC Systems & Equipment)

کاربردهای سیستم تهویه (HVAC Applications)


آخرین استانداردهای این سازمان بصورت زیر می باشد:

Fundamentals – 2009

HVAC Applications  – 2007

HVAC Systems & Equipment  – 2008

Refrigeration – 2006


قسمت پایه و مبانی (Fundamentals) آن دارای سرفصلهای زیر می باشد:

Fundamentals ASHRAE 


   1. Psychrometrics
   2. Thermodynamics and Refrigeration Cycles
   3. Fluid Flow
   4. Heat Transfer
   5. Two-Phase Flow
   6. Mass Transfer
   7. Fundamentals of Control
   8. Sound and Vibration


   9. Thermal Comfort
  10. Indoor Environmental Health
  11. Air Contaminants
  12. Odors
  13. Indoor Environmental Modeling

  14. Climatic Design Information
  15. Fenestration
  16. Ventilation and Infiltration
  17. Residential Cooling and Heating Load Calculations
  18. Nonresidential Cooling and Heating Load Calculations
  19. Energy Estimating and Modeling Methods

  20. Space Air Diffusion
  21. Duct Design
  22. Pipe Sizing
  23. Insulation for Mechanical Systems
  24. Airflow Around Buildings


  25. Heat, Air, and Moisture Control in Building Assemblies—Fundamentals
  26. Heat, Air, and Moisture Control in Building Assemblies—Material Properties
  27. Heat, Air, and Moisture Control in Insulated Assemblies—Examples


  28. Combustion and Fuels
  29. Refrigerants
  30. Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants
  31. Physical Properties of Secondary Coolants (Brines)
  32. Sorbents and Desiccants
  33. Physical Properties of Materials


  34. Energy Resources
  35. Sustainability
  36. Measurement and Instruments
  37. Abbreviations and Symbols
  38. Units and Conversions
  39. Codes and Standards



قسمت کاربردهای آن (HVAC Applications) دارای سرفصلهای زیر می باشد:


HVAC Applications ASHRAE


  1. Residences
  2. Retail Facilities
  3. Commercial and Public Buildings
  4. Places of Assembly
  5. Hotels, Motels, and Dormitories
  6. Educational Facilities
  7. Health Care Facilities
  8. Justice Facilities
  9. Automobiles and Mass Transit
  10. Aircraft
  11. Ships


  12. Industrial Air Conditioning
  13. Enclosed Vehicular Facilities
  14. Laboratories
  15. Engine Test Facilities
  16. Clean Spaces
  17. Data Processing and Electronic Office Areas
  18. Printing Plants
  19. Textile Processing Plants
  20. Photographic Materials
  21. Museums, Galleries, Archives, and Libraries
  22. Environmental Control for Animals and Plants
  23. Drying and Storing Selected Farm Crops
  24. Air Conditioning of Wood and Paper Product Facilities
  25. Power Plants
  26. Nuclear Facilities
  27. Mine Air Conditioning and Ventilation
  28. Industrial Drying Systems
  29. Ventilation of the Industrial Environment
  30. Industrial Local Exhaust Systems
  31. Kitchen Ventilation

  32. Geothermal Energy
  33. Solar Energy Use
  34. Thermal Storage


  35. Energy Use and Management
  36. Owning and Operating Costs
  37. Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing
  38. Operation and Maintenance Management
  39. Computer Applications
  40. Building Energy Monitoring
  41. Supervisory Control Strategies and Optimization
  42. HVAC Commissioning


  43. Building Envelopes
  44. Building Air Intake and Exhaust Design
  45. Control of Gaseous Indoor Air Contaminants
  46. Design and Application of Controls
  47. Sound and Vibration Control
  48. Water Treatment
  49. Service Water Heating
  50. Snow Melting and Freeze Protection
  51. Evaporative Cooling
  52. Fire and Smoke Management
  53. Radiant Heating and Cooling
  54. Seismic and Wind Restraint Design
  55. Electrical Considerations
  56. Room Air Distribution
  57. Integrated Building Design
  58. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Explosive Incidents
  59. Codes and Standards


قسمت HVAC Systems & Equipment دارای سرفصل های زیر می باشد:


HVAC Systems & Equipment ASHRAE


  1. HVAC System Analysis and Selection
  2. Decentralized Cooling and Heating
  3. Central Cooling and Heating
  4. Air Handling and Distribution
  5. In-Room Terminal Systems
  6. Panel Heating and Cooling
  7. Combined Heat and Power Systems
  8. Applied Heat Pump and Heat Recovery Systems
  9. Design of Small Forced-Air Heating and Cooling Systems
  10. Steam Systems
  11. District Heating and Cooling
  12. Hydronic Heating and Cooling System Design
  13. Condenser Water Systems
  14. Medium- and High-Temperature Water Heating Systems
  15. Infrared Radiant Heating
  16. Ultraviolet Lamp Systems
  17. Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling


  18. Duct Construction
  19. Room Air Distribution Equipment
  20. Fans
  21. Humidifiers
  22. Air-Cooling and Dehumidifying Coils
  23. Desiccant Dehumidification and Pressure-Drying Equipment
  24. Mechanical Dehumidifiers and Related Components
  25. Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Equipment
  26. Air-Heating Coils
  27. Unit Ventilators, Unit Heaters, and Makeup Air Units
  28. Air Cleaners for Particulate Contaminants
  29. Industrial Gas Cleaning and Air Pollution Control Equipment


  30. Automatic Fuel-Burning Equipment
  31. Boilers
  32. Furnaces
  33. Residential In-Space Heating Equipment
  34. Chimney, Vent, and Fireplace Systems
  35. Hydronic Heat-Distributing Units and Radiators
  36. Solar Energy Equipment


  37. Compressors
  38. Condensers
  39. Cooling Towers
  40. Evaporative Air-Cooling Equipment
  41. Liquid Coolers
  42. Liquid-Chilling Systems


  43. Centrifugal Pumps
  44. Motors, Motor Controls, and Variable-Speed Pumps
  45. Pipes, Tubes, and Fittings
  46. Valves
  47. Heat Exchangers


  48. Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
  49. Room Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners


  50. Thermal Storage
  51. Codes and Standards


و در نهایت قسمت سرمایش (Refrigeration) آن دارای سرفصل های زیر می باشد:


Refrigeration ASHRAE

Refrigeration System Practices

   1. Liquid Overfeed Systems
   2. System Practices for Halocargbon Refrigerants
   3. System Practices for Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide Refrigerants
   4. Secondary Coolants in Refrigeration Systems
   5. Refrigerant System Chemistry
   6. Control of Moisture and Other Contaminants in Refrigerant Systems
   7. Lubricants in Refrigerant Systems
   8. Refrigerant Containment, Recovery, Recycling, and Reclamation

Food Storage and Equipment

   9. Thermal Properties of Foods
  10. Cooling and Freezing Times of Foods
  11. Commodity Storage Requirements
  12. Food Microbiology and Refrigeration
  13. Refrigeration Load
  14. Refrigerated Facility Design
  15. Methods of Precooling Fruits, Vegetables, and Cut Flowers

Food Refrigeration

  16. Industrial Food Freezing Systems
  17. Meat Products
  18. Poultry Products
  19. Fishery Products
  20. Dairy Products
  21. Eggs and Egg Products
  22. Deciduous Tree and Vine Fruit
  23. Citrus Fruit, Bananas, and Subtropical Fruit
  24. Vegetables
  25. Fruit Juice Concentrates and Chilled Juice Products
  26. Beverages
  27. Processed, Precooked, and Prepared Foods
  28. Bakery Products
  29. Chocolates, Candies, Nuts, Dried Fruits, and Dried Vegetables

Distribution of Chilled and Frozen Food

  30. Cargo Containers, Rail Cars, Trailers, and Trucks
  31. Marine Refrigeration
  32. Air Transport

Industrial Applications

  33. Insulation Systems for Refrigerant Piping
  34. Ice Manufacture
  35. Ice Rinks
  36. Concrete Dams and Subsurface Soils
  37. Refrigeration in the Chemical Industry

Low-Temperature Applications

  38. Cryogenics
  39. Ultralow-Temperature Refrigeration
  40. Biomedical Applications of Cryogenic Refrigeration

Refrigeration Equipment

  41. Absorption Cooling, Heating, and Refrigeration Equipment
  42. Forced-Circulation Air Coolers
  43. Component Balancing in Refrigeration Systems
  44. Refrigerant-Control Devices
  45. Factory Dehydrating, Charging, and Testing

Unitary Refrigeration Equipment

  46. Retail Food Store Refrigeration and Equipment
  47. Food Service and General Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
  48. Household Refrigerators and Freezers

General Chapter

  49. Codes and Standards


تمامی استاندادرهای فوق و نسخه های جدید 2013 و 2015 در کانال تلگرامی سایت موجود است.


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نویسنده : آدرس سایت : ایمیل :
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تعداد 5 دیدگاه برای نوشته " استاندارد ASHRAE" ارسال شده است .

    واله پهلوانی 14 دی 1393 در 10:36 ق.ظ
  1. سلام
    این استانداردهایی که گذاشتید به فارسی ترجمه شده اند؟

  2. پاسخ
      مدیریت 14 دی 1393 در 12:46 ق.ظ
    • سلام
      خیر. انگلیسی هستن

    • پاسخ
    علی اصغر مسلمی 6 تیر 1394 در 1:18 ب.ظ
  3. با سلام
    در مورد هودهای آزمایشگاهی وشرایط مطلوب مکش در دهانه هود،اطلاعاتی اگر دارید ارائه شود.
    مثلا وقتی کامل باز باشد ویا 50%و 25%
    با تشکر/مسلمی

  4. پاسخ
    رسولي 21 فروردین 1396 در 6:12 ق.ظ
  5. استاندارد 2013-55 ASHRAE

  6. پاسخ
      مدیریت 22 فروردین 1396 در 11:15 ق.ظ
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